Product Concept Testing
Product Concept Testing
Our product concept testing tool provides comparisons to benchmarks of new product/concept ratings from thousands of engineers, clinicians and purchasers.

Determine Market Viability
Gain numerical support & high statistical confidence in your decisions to Go / No-Go, Revise or Reposition the concept as currently conceived.
- Does it generate enough enthusiasm among clinicians and health care business managers, to disrupt and replace current practices?
- Is the level of desired adoption high enough to indicate a viable market for the product/concept?
Uncover Product Design Insights
Gain relative importance and attractiveness measures of the product’s proposed features and benefits.
- Learn which features and product benefits are essential ‘must haves’ for clinicians
- Gain insights into the most attractive features and drivers of value that will motivate clinicians to adopt your new product

The MedCon Analytical Landscape
The market's reaction to your medical product/concept is visually displayed in MedCon Analytical Landscape.