Motivational Research
The Motivational Lens™
Motivations are why people want what they want, and do what they do. Competitive advantage lives in understanding the forces that drive customer decision making. Through the Motivational Lens™, the true drivers of more apparent behaviors become vivid and predictable.

How We Define "Motivations"
People are attracted to products and brands that reflect their self-image and values. Motivations are revealed by understanding a person’s self-image. But one’s self-image can be situational and change in different contexts.
For example:
- In the domain of driving, you may feel confident and independent, and thus seek a brand with distinction
- But when it comes to cooking, you may be a bit insecure and seek brands that provide a sense of assurance and encouragement

Focus on the Domain
To understand motivations, we look beyond product or service categories to the broader context or domain:
- Automotive brand preferences start with feelings around “driving”
- Attitudes toward banks or credit cards are often shaped by how people deal with the tension around money management
- The type of relationship a person has with their pet is a big factor in their choice of pet food products and brands.
The Motivational Landscape
Why do people with similar needs and circumstances respond differently to different brands, designs, concepts, etc? Revealed through projective questions in qualitative and quantitative research, these hidden motivations are defined and displayed in the Motivational Landscape.